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Given the recent shift towards greater transparency in the peer-review process at several journals, we also make available, for all to read, the author responses to reviews for several of our lab's published papers.
Rowchan, K., Gale, D.J., Nick, Q., Gallivan, J.P. & Wammes, J.D. Visual statistical learning is associated with changes in cortical manifold structure. bioRxiv Link
de Brouwer, A.J., Carter, M.J., Smail, L.C., Wolpert, D.M., Gallivan, J.P & Flanagan, J.R. Gaze Behaviour Reveals Flexible Encoding of Competing Reach Goals Under Conditions of Target Uncertainty. bioRxiv Link
Areshenkoff, C.N., De Brouwer, A., Gale, D.J., Nashed, J.Y., Smallwood, J., Flanagan, J.R. & Gallivan, J.P. (2024) Distinct patterns of connectivity with motor cortex reflect different components of sensorimotor learning. Plos Biology. PDF
Colleen Pearce, Danielle Bukovsky, Katya Douchant, Abhay Katoch, Jill Greenlaw, Daniel J. Gale, Joseph Nashed, Don Brien, Valerie A. Kuhlmeier, Mark Sabbagh, Gunnar Blohm, Fernanda G. De Felice, Martin Pare, Douglas J. Cook, Stephen Scott, Douglas P. Munoz, Calvin Sjaarda, Anita Tusche, Prameet M. Sheth, Andrew Winterborn, Susan Boehnke, & Gallivan, J.P. (2024). Changes in social environment impact primate gut microbiota composition. Animal Microbiome. PDF
Nashed, J.Y., Gale, D.J., Gallivan, J.P. & Cook, D.J. (2024). Changes in cortical manifold structure following stroke and its relation to behavioral recovery in male macaques. Nature Communications. PDF
Standage, D.I., Gale, D.J., Nashed, J.Y., Flanagan, J.R. & Gallivan, J.P. (in press). Whole-brain modular dynamics at rest predict sensorimotor learning performance. Network Neuroscience.
McGarity-Shipley, M.R., Gallivan, J.P. & Flanagan, J.R. (2024) Adaptation of the gain of the corrective lifting response in object manipulation transfers across the hand. Scientific Reports. PDF
Nick, Q., Gale, D.J., Areshenkoff, C.N., De Brouwer, A.J., Nashed, J.Y., Wammes, J., Flanagan, J.R., Smallwood, J & Gallivan, J.P. (2024) Reconfigurations of cortical manifold structure during reward-based motor learning. Elife. PDF
Beattie, B.C., Garcia-Ramo, K.B., Biggs, K., Boisse Lomax, L., Brien, D.C., Gallivan, J.P., Ikeda, K., Schmidt, M., Shukla, G., Whatley, B., Woodroffe, S., Omisade, A. & Winston, G. P. (2024). Literature review and protocol for a prospective multicentre cohort study on multimodal prediction of seizure recurrence after unprovoked first seizure. BMJ Open. PDF
Zhu, T., Gallivan, J.P., Wolpert, D.M. & Flanagan, J.R. (2023). Interaction between decision-making and motor learning when selecting reach targets in the presence of bias and noise. Plos Computational Biology. PDF
Rens, G., Figley, T.D., Gallivan, J.P., Liu, Y. & Culham, J.C. (2023). Grasping with a twist: Dissociating action goals from motor actions in human frontoparietal circuits. Journal of Neuroscience. PDF
Standage, D.I., Areshenkoff, C.N., Gale, D.J., Nashed, J.Y., Flanagan, J.R. & Gallivan, J.P. (2023). Whole-brain dynamics of human sensorimotor adaptation. Cerebral Cortex. PDF SUPPLEMENTAL DATA Author Response
Moskowitz, J.B., Fooken, J., Castelhano, M.S., Gallivan, J.P. & Flanagan, J.R. (2023) Visual search for reach targets in actionable space is influenced by movement costs imposed by obstacles. Journal of Vision. PDF
Moskowitz, J.B., Berger, S.A., Fooken, J., Castelhano, M.S., Gallivan, J.P. & Flanagan, J.R. (2023) The influence of movement-related costs when searching to act and acting to search. Journal of Neurophysiology. PDF
Nashed, J.Y., Shearer, K.T., Wang, J.Z., Chen, Y., Cook, E.E., Champagne, A.A., Coverdale, N.S., Fernandez-Ruiz, J., Striver, S.I., Gallivan, J.P & Cook, D.J. (2022) Spontaneous behavioural recovery following stroke relates to the integrity of sensory and association cortices. Translational Stroke Research. Link
Gale, D.J., Areshenkoff, C.N., Standage, D.P., Nashed, J.Y., Markello, R.D., Flanagan, J.R., Smallwood, J., & Gallivan, J.P. (2022) Distinct patterns of cortical manifold expansion and contraction underlie human sensorimotor adaptation. PNAS. PDF SUPPLEMENTAL DATA Author Response
Areshenkoff, C.N., Gale, D.J., Nashed, J.Y., Standage, D.I., Flanagan, J.R. & Gallivan, J.P. (2022) Neural excursions from low-dimensional manifold structure explain patterns of learning and re-learning in human sensorimotor adaptation. eLIFE. PDF Decision Letter Author Response
De Brouwer, A.J., Areshenkoff, C.N., Rashid, M.R., Flanagan, J.R., Poppenk, J. & Gallivan, J.P. (2022) Human variation in error-based and reward-based human motor learning is associated with entorhinal volume. Cerebral Cortex. PDF Author Response 1 Author Response 2 Subject Data
Gale, D.J., Flanagan, J.R. & Gallivan, J.P. (2021). Human somatosensory cortex is modulated during motor planning.The Journal of Neuroscience. PDF Author Response 1 Author Response 2 Author Response 3
Areshenkoff, C.N., Nashed, J.Y., Hutchison, R.M., Hutchison, M., Levy, R., Cook, D.J., Menon, R.S., Everling, S. & Gallivan, J.P. (2021) Muting, not fragmentation, of functional brain networks under general anesthesia. Neuroimage. PDF SUPPLEMENTAL DATA Author Response 1 Author Response 2
Wispinksi, N.J., Stone, S.A., Bertrand, J.K., Zuk, A.A., Lavoie, E.B., Gallivan, J.P. & Chapman, C.S. (2021) Reaching for known unknowns: Rapid reach decisions accurately reflect the future state of dynamic probabilistic information. Cortex. PDF
Gale, D.J., Areshekoff, C.N., Honda, C.T., Johnsrude, I.S., Flanagan, J.R. & Gallivan, J.P. (2021) Motor planning modulates neural activity patterns in early human auditory cortex. Cerebral Cortex. PDF SUPPLEMENTAL DATA Author Response 1 Author Response 2
McGarity-Shipley, M., Heald, J., Ingram, J., Gallivan, J.P., Wolpert, D.M., & Flanagan, JR. (2020). Motor memories in manipulation tasks are linked to contact goals between objects. The Journal of Neurophysiology. PDF
Standage, S., Areshenkoff, C.N., Nashed, J.Y., Hutchison, R.M., Hutchison, M., Heinke, D., Menon, R.S., Everling, S. & Gallivan, J.P. (2020). Dynamic reconfiguration, fragmentation and integration of whole-brain modular structure across depths of unconsciousness. Cerebral Cortex. PDF SUPPLEMENTAL DATA Author Response 1 Author Response 2
Moskowitz, J., Gale, D.J., Gallivan, J.P., Wolpert, D.M. & Flanagan, J.R. (2020) Human decision making anticipates future performance in motor learning. PLoS Computational Biology. PDF
Proud, K., Heald, J., Ingram, J., Gallivan, J.P., Wolpert, D.M. & Flanagan, J.R. (2019) Separate motor memories are formed when implicitly controlling different locations on a tool. The Journal of Neurophysiology. PDF
Gallivan, J.P., Chapman, C.S., Gale, D., Flanagan, J.R. & Culham, J.C. (2019) Selective modulation of early visual cortical activity by movement intention. Cerebral Cortex. PDF SUPPLEMENTAL DATA Author Response
Wispinski, N., Gallivan, J.P. & Chapman, C.S. (2018) Models, movements and minds: Bridging the gap between decision making and aciton. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. PDF Author Response 1 Author Response 2
De Brouwer, A., Gallivan, J.P. & Flanagan, J.R. (2018) Visuomotor feedback gains are modulated by gaze position. The Journal of Neurophysiology. 120: 2522-2531. PDF Author Response 1 Author Response 2
De Brouwer, A., Albaghdadi, M., Flanagan, J.R. & Gallivan, J.P. (2018) Using gaze behaviour to parcellate the explicit and implicit contributions to visuomotor learning. The Journal of Neurophysiology. 120(4): 1602-1615. PDF Author Response 1 Author Response 2
Gallivan, J.P., Chapman, C.S., Wolpert, D.M. & Flanagan, J.R. (2018) Decision-making in sensorimotor control. Nature Reviews Neuroscience. 19(9): 519-534. PDF
Gallivan, J.P. & Goodale, M.A. (2018) The dorsal 'action' pathway. In G. Vallar & H.B. Coslett (Eds.), The Parietal lobes. Neurological and neuropsychological deficits. Handbook of clinical neurology, 3rd series. New York: Elsevier. PDF
Hutchison, R.M. & Gallivan, J.P. (2018) Functional coupling between frontoparietal and occipitotemporal pathways during action and perception. Cortex. 98: 8-27. PDF Author Response
Monaco, S., Gallivan, J.P., Figley, T., Singhal, A. & Culham, J.C. (2017). Recruitment of foveal retinotopic cortex during haptic exploration of shapes and actions in the dark. The Journal of Neuroscience. 37(48):11572–11591. PDF
Nashed, J.Y., Diamond, J.S., Gallivan, J.P., Wolpert, D.M. & Flanagan, J.R. (2017) Grip force when reaching under target uncertainty provides evidence for motor optimization over averaging. Scientific Reports. 7(1):11703. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-10996-6. PDF
Hernandez-Castillo, C., Nashed, J.Y., Fernandez-Ruiz, J., Wang, J.Z., Gallivan, J.P., & Cook, D.J. (2017) Increased functional connectivity after stroke correlates with behavioral scores in a non-human primate model. Scientific Reports. 7(1): 6701. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-07175-y. PDF
Lowe, M.X., Rajsic, J., Gallivan, J.P., Ferber, S. & Cant, J.S. (2017) Neural representation of geometry and surface properties in object and scene perception. Neuroimage. 157: 586-597 PDF
de Brouwer, A., Jarvis, T., Gallivan, J.P. & Flanagan, J.R. (2017) Parallel specification of visuomotor feedback gains during bimanual reaching to independent goals. eNeuro. 4(2) e0026-17.2017 1–12 PDF
Gallivan, J.P., Stewart, B., Baugh, L., Wolpert, D.M. & Flanagan, J.R. (2017) Rapid automatic motor encoding of competing reach options. Cell Reports.18, 1619-1626. PDF SUPPLEMENTAL DATA Author Response 1 Author Response 2
Gallivan, J.P., Bowman, N., Chapman, C.S., Wolpert, D.M. & Flanagan, J.R. (2016) The sequential encoding of competing action goals involves dynamic restructuring of motor plans in working memory. Journal of Neurophysiology. 115(6): 3113-22. PDF Author Response 1 Author Response 2
Gallivan, J.P., Logan, L., Wolpert, D.M. & Flanagan, J.R. (2016). Parallel specification of competing sensorimotor control policies for alternative action options. Nature Neuroscience. 19(2): 320-6. PDF Author Response
Gallivan, J.P., Johnsrude, I.S., & Flanagan, J.R. (2016) Planning ahead: Object-directed sequential actions decoded from human frontoparietal and occipitotemporal networks. Cerebral Cortex. 26(2): 708-30. PDF SUPPLEMENTAL DATA Author Response 1 Author Response 2
Lowe, M.X., Gallivan, J.P., Ferber, S. & Cant, J.S. (2016) Feature diagnosticity and task-context shape activity in human scene-selective cortex. Neuroimage. 125: 681-692 PDF
Gallivan, J.P., Barton, K.S., Chapman, C.S., Wolpert, D.M., & Flanagan, J.R. (2015) Action plan co-optimization reveals the parallel encoding of competing reach movements. Nature Communications. PDF Author Response
Chapman, C.S., Gallivan, J.P., Wong, J.W., Wispinski, N.J. & Enns, J.T. (2015) The snooze of lose: Rapid reaching reveals that losses are processed more slowly than gains. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. 144 (4): 844-63. PDF SUPPLEMENTAL DATA
Hutchison, R.M., Culham, J.C., Flanagan, J.R., Everling, S. & Gallivan, J.P. (2015) Functional subdivisions of medial parieto-occipital cortex in humans and nonhuman primates using resting state fMRI. Neuroimage. 116: 10-29. PDF SUPPLEMENTAL DATA Author Response 1 Author Response 2
Gallivan, J.P. & Culham, J.C. (2015) Neural coding within human brain areas involved in actions. Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 33: 141-149. PDF SUPPLEMENTAL DATA
Chapman, C.S., Gallivan, J.P., & Enns, J.T. (2015) Separating value from selection frequency in rapid reaching biases to visual targets. Visual Cognition. PDF
Stewart, B.*, Gallivan, J.P.*, Baugh, L., & Flanagan, J.R. (2014) Motor, not visual, encoding of potential reach targets. Current Biology. 24(19): R953-R954. PDF SUPPLEMENTAL DATA Author Response 1 Author Response 2
*co-first author.
Gallivan, J.P.* & Chapman, C.S.* (2014) Three-dimensional reach trajectories as a probe of real-time decision-making between multiple competing targets. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 8:215 1-19. PDF Author Response *co-first author.
Gallivan, J.P., Cant, J.S., Goodale, M.A. & Flanagan, J.R. (2014) Representation of object weight in human ventral visual cortex. Current Biology. 24(16): 1866-1873. PDF SUPPLEMENTAL DATA Author Response 1 Author Response 2
Commentary by Kentridge (2014) Object Perception: Where do we see the weight? Current Biology 24(16): R740-41 PDF
Hutchison, R.M., Culham, J.C., Everling, S., Flanagan, J.R. & Gallivan, J.P. (2014) Distinct and distributed functional connectivity patterns across cortex reflect domain-specific constraints of object, face, scene, body, and tool category-selective modules in the ventral visual pathway. Neuroimage. 96: 216-236 PDF SUPPLEMENTAL DATA Author Response 1 Author Response 2 Author Response 3 Author Response 4
Chapman, C.S.*, Gallivan, J.P.*, Wood, D.K., Milne, J.L., Ansari, D., Culham, J.C., & Goodale, M.A. (2014) Counting on the motor system: Rapid action planning reveals the format- and magnitude-dependent extraction of numerical quantity. Journal of Vision. 14 (3): 1-19. PDF SUPPLEMENTAL DATA *co-first author.
Gallivan, J.P. (2014) A motor-oriented organization of human ventral visual cortex? Journal of Neuroscience 34 (9): 3119-3121. PDF
Stewart, B. M., Baugh, L.A., Gallivan, J.P. & Flanagan, J.R. (2013) Simultaneous encoding of the direction and orientation of potential targets during reach planning: evidence of multiple competing reach plans.Journal of Neurophysiology 110 (4): 807-816. PDF
Milne, J.L., Chapman, C.S., Gallivan, J.P., Wood, D.K., Culham, J.C., & Goodale, M.A. (2013) Connecting the Dots: Object connectedness deceives perception but not movement planning. Psychological Science 24 (8): 1456-1465. PDF SUPPLEMENTAL DATA
Gallivan, J. P., Chapman, C.S., McLean, D.A., Flanagan, J.R., & Culham, J.C. (2013) Activity patterns in the category-selective occipitotemporal cortex predict upcoming motor acitons. European Journal of Neuroscience 38 (3): 2408-2424. PDF
Gallivan, J. P., McLean, D.A., Valyear, K.F., & Culham, J.C. (2013) Decoding the neural mechanisms of human tool use. eLife 2:e00425. PDF
Commentary by Mahon (2013) Watching the brain in action. eLife 2:e00866. PDF
Gallivan, J. P., McLean, D.A., Flanagan, J.R., & Culham, J.C. (2013) Where one hand meets the other: Limb-specific and action-dependent movement plans decoded from preparatory signals in single human frontoparietal brain areas. Journal of Neuroscience 33 (5): 1991-2008. PDF
Hutchison, R.M., Gallivan, J.P., Culham, J.C., Gati, J.S., Menon, R.S., & Everling, S. (2012) Functional connectivity of the frontal eye fields in humans and macaque monkeys investigated with resting state fMRI.Journal of Neurophysiology 107 (9): 2463-2474. PDF
Valyear, K.F., Gallivan, J.P., McLean, D.A., & Culham, J.C. (2012) fMRI repetition suppression for familiar but not arbitrary actions with tools. Journal of Neuroscience 32 (12): 4247-4259. PDF
Gallivan, J. P., McLean, D.A., Smith, F.W. & Culham, J.C. (2011) Decoding effector-dependent and effector-independent movement intentions from human parieto-frontal brain activity. Journal of Neuroscience 31(47): 17149-17168 PDF
Gallivan, J.P., McLean, D.A., & Culham, J.C. (2011) Neuroimaging reveals enhanced activation in a reach-selective brain area for objects located within participants' typical hand workspace. Neuropsychologia 49 (13): 3710-3721 PDF SUPPLEMENTARY DATA
Wood, D.K., Gallivan, J.P., Chapman, C.S., Milne, J.L., Culham, J.C., and Goodale, M.A. (2011) Visual salience dominates early visuomotor competition in reaching behaviour. Journal of Vision 11(10): 16, 1-11 PDF SUPPLEMENTAL DATA
Gallivan, J. P., McLean, D.A., Valyear, K.F., Pettypiece, C., & Culham, J.C. (2011) Decoding action intentions from preparatory brain activity in human parieto-frontal networks. Journal of Neuroscience 31 (26): 9599-9610 PDF
Findings covered in the Journal Club section of the Journal of Neuroscience -- see Vesia and Davare (2011). PDF
Highlighted by F1000
Valyear, K. F., Chapman, C.S., Gallivan, J.P., Mark, R.S. & Culham, J.C. (2011) To use or to move: Goal-set modulates priming when grasping real tools. Experimental Brain Research. 212/1: 125-142. PDF
Chapman, C.S., Gallivan, J.P., Culham, J.C., & Goodale, M.A. (2011) Mental Blocks: fMRI reveals top-down modulation of early visual cortex when planning a grasp movement that is interfered with by an obstacle. Neuropsychologia 49: 1703-1717. PDF SUPPLEMENTARY DATA
Gallivan, J.P.*, Chapman, C.S.*, Wood, D.K., Milne, J.L., Ansari, D., Culham, J.C., & Goodale, M.A. (2011) One to four, but nothing more: Non-conscious parallel object individuation of objects in action planning. Psychological Science 22 (6): 803-811. PDF SUPPLEMENTARY DATA *co-first author
Chapman,C.S.*, Gallivan, J.P.*, Wood, D.K., Milne, J.L., Culham, J.C., & Goodale, M.A.(2010) Short-term motor plasticity revealed in a visuomotor decision-making task. Behavioural Brain Research 214 (1): 130-134. PDF SUPPLEMENTARY DATA *co-first author
Chapman,C.S.*, Gallivan, J.P.*, Wood, D.K., Milne, J.L., Culham, J.C., & Goodale, M.A.(2010) Reaching for the unknown: Multiple target encoding and real-time decision making in a rapid reach task. Cognition116 (2): 168-176. PDF SUPPLEMENTARY DATA *co-first author
Barry, R.L., Williams, J.M., Klassen, L.M., Gallivan, J.P., Culham, J.C., & Menon, R.S. (2010) Evaluation of preprocessing steps to compensate for magnetic field distortions due to body movements in BOLD fMRI. Magnetic Resonance Imaging 28 (2): 235-244. PDF
Gallivan, J.P., & Wood, D.K. (2009) Simultaneous encoding of potential grasping movements in the anterior intraparietal area. Journal of Neuroscience 29 (39): 12031-12032. PDF
Gallivan, J.P., Cavina-Pratesi, C., & Culham, J.C. (2009) Is that within reach? fMRI reveals that the human superior parieto-occipital cortex (SPOC) encodes objects reachable by the hand. Journal of Neuroscience 29 (14): 4381-91. PDF SUPPLEMENTAL DATA
Culham, J. C., Gallivan, J.P., Cavina-Pratesi, C., & Quinlan, D. J. (2008) fMRI investigations of reaching and ego space in human superior parieto-occipital cortex. In R. Klatzky, M. Behrmann & B. MacWhinney (Eds.), Embodiment, Ego Space and Action. New York: Psychology Press. pp. 247-274. PDF